Love Me 1998 (Right Click To Stop Midi)

american beauty by harrison fisher

who am i?

I am your mother, father, husband, wife, brother, sister or friend
and I need your help.
I just don't know what’s happening to me --
or is it you?
You see, things just aren’t right--
I can’t seem to remember like I did -
or did you really tell me that?
I’m not sure how to get home anymore --
or have they changed the road?
I don’t seem to love you like I did --
or do you not love me anymore?
I can’t seem to be rational anymore --
or is this rational?
My personality just isn’t what it used to be--
or do you have the bad attitude?
I can’t feed myself anymore--
why does food keep falling?
My muscles won’t move like I want them too--
What’s happening?
I just can’t look in the mirror anymore --
I don't even look like the old me, do I?
I’m not sure what’s happening to me,
or is there really something happening?
Yes, there is something happening to me --
I have Alzheimers.
Please be patient and caring with me --
I may not realize what’s happening
and may even think it’s you---
So I must put my life in your hands --

There will be a time you must have help in caring for me,
don’t feel guilty, just love me, even though
I’ve become someone you don’t know or might not even like.

Angie Ballard (c)

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