April 1, 2007

While in Ohio, something wonderful happened. On March 18 at 6:14 in the morning, a new beautiful bundle of joy was born to our first grand daughter Ashley. Her name is Nevaeh Marie weighing in at eight pounds and thirteen ounces.

I was able to hold her later in the day after things had calmed down a bit, and it was a very, very special time. I rocked her in a large rocking chair, chatted with her, patted her, spoke to her in a calming reassuring voice. It was a time for reintroduction. See, months before her birth, while still in her mother's womb, I would speak to her and pat her, introducing myself as her great grandpa. I wanted her to know me early and perhaps, just perhaps recognize me after delivery. I think she did just that. Her little fingers held onto one of my big ones. What a time we had together. Not too much to tire her or her mummy, but just enough time to connect.

Pictures are in Sharon's purse, for anyone wanting to take a sneak view of the sweet heart.

One might say were a bit proud. Well, she is our first great grand daughter, and you might know that a little bit of pride might just be expected on our part. No doubt about it. This new child is loved and surrounded by prayer.

April 10, 2007

I woke up early this morning. Very early. Like 4 something A.M. I wake up to go to the bathroom and then can't get back to sleep. This is not unusual for me these days.

Before 1997, as many of you know, I've had dementia. Usually we have it in our systems a couple years before being diagnosed. In one way, I've had dementia for many years now and in another way, it seems like it really hasn't been that long. Time does a number on me, confusing me, fading in and out of my reality.

One might wonder what has changed with me in all those years of dementia. The name of my disease was changed. It went from the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease to the second largest dementia disease, Lewy Body Dementia. Basically to make it more simplistic for me, my new change of disease name basically means that I have progressive memory loss with some Parkinson's like features added. Oh joy. Just what I wanted. In life we don't always get just what we want and thank God, not what we deserve. I never wanted this disease. The second largest dementia disease, second only to Alzheimer's Disease.

For those wanting to know more about Lewy Body Disease, the Lewy Body Association is listed on my favorite links. Please take some time to look at the site. So many have this disease but America as a whole is just learning about it. Many individuals are misdiagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease when it is really Lewy Body Dementia that they have. There are many other types of dementia that also resemble Alzheimer's Disease. To know the difference in the disease could make a big difference in how one does with the disease.

Knowledge can alleviate fear and answer questions that we were afraid to ask. I'm still asking questions and searching for answers. I've found many answers to life's riddles and the main reason for my existence, but there's so much more to contemplate. So much more to life.

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