Angels 1998 (Right Click To Stop Midi)

american beauty

forgive me

I do not know from day to day
Just what I will find as I go your way
Sometimes you greet me with a smile
and I think I am safe with you for awhile

So soft are your hands when they stroke my face
Not a hint or a sign we are in a race
for life then seems as it always should be
Soaring as with Angels as if we were free

But this kindness you show does not last
The disease that is taking you is no longer in the past
For a fleeting moment we had forgotten it's there
But then it returns for it has not a care

There are times when your words are as a knife in my heart
One moment you are gentle but then they start
They hit so fast that it always hurts so
in the blink of an eye, the kindness does go

I know that these things do not come from you
But the hurt is there no matter what I do
I hurt for you and I hurt for me
For the meaning of this is not easy to see

I pray to God to show me the way
The answers I should give and what I should say
For I know full well that it is not you
For the things you do now you never would do

It is the love of a mother that I once knew
That I must hold in my heart as being true
Forgetting the side that now comes out
Replacing that thought with shadow and doubt.

No matter what you say or do
My love for you will always remain true
But forgive me momma if I hurt so bad
For I am only remembering the mom I always had.

Love you momma
Brenda 05/02/99 (c)