Number of Guests: 63
Visitor: Joangela Riches
Reference: The Alzeimer Page
Origin: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
WebSite: N\A
URL Info: N\A
Date: October 26, 1996
Thank you so much. Mom died in 1982. In 1988, at the age of 52, I graduated as an Occupational Therapist. My specialty is the management of dementias in the community. That was Mom's gift to me and I hope to all my clients. Blessings, Joangela.
Visitor: Paul Dicken
Reference: Link from
Origin: England
URL Info:
Date: October 26, 1996
My wife and I nursed my mother who had Lupus until she died. Now, we are supporting my parents-in-law who live nearby.
Mother in Law has Alzheimers and is not the person we once knew. You would understand that.
I'm going through real grief about the death of my twin and I'm even struggling about the death of my dog a year ago.
Just finding your site was cathartic for me. I know grief takes a long time to work through and I'm secure in the process on my personal journey.
Thanks for being vulnerable....
Visitor: Clay Daniels
Reference: arwen/cathy adams/housernet
Origin: earth
WebSite: claytex
URL Info: mozilla type stuff
Date: October 26, 1996
you remind this cynical old web surfer that he once had a mother too, and cared about her...
you have an outstanding memorial, and a very comprehensive data collection...
Visitor: Kathi Webster
Reference: Saw link on another web page
Origin: Tampa FL
WebSite: Death, Dying and Grief
URL Info: Links on death and dying
Date: October 25, 1996
Beautiful page and wonderful work... will be adding you
to my index. Your excellent resource is invaluable to
those who are now dealing with Alzheimer
disease and trying to help all the family cope.
Visitor: Leigh Saunders
Reference: Through AOL internet connection
Origin: Vienna, VA
WebSite: Don't have one
URL Info:
Date: October 25, 1996
Thank you for consolidating and collecting other contacts for
support in dealing with Alzheimer's.
My father has early onset Alzheimer's and is deteriorating
rapidly. There are so many things for my mother to deal
with, that it is very tiring for her. What upsets me the
most is the lack of financial aid. It seems that one has to
bankrupt themselves before help can be provided. Leaving the
caregiver bankrupt and having to continue caregiving makes it
very difficult for the caregiver to feel good about themselves.
Is there a group addressing these issues?
Again, thank you for taking the time to create and manage this
Web page. It is inspirational.
Visitor: Bob Garrard
Reference: newsgroups
Origin: Greenville, Alabama
URL Info:
Date: October 24, 1996
My mom lives with us and she has alzheimers. Sometimes
it is SO frustrating. It's good to know I'll have a place to
go to read things from people who understand. Thanks.
Visitor: yuko
Reference: school.class
Origin: Japan
WebSite: I don't have
URL Info:
Date: October 23, 1996
If my mother has Alzheimer disease, I'm sad it.
Visitor: Mike Liu
Reference: Your survey response
Origin: Chicago
WebSite: Michael Liu's Home Page
URL Info: Personal Page
Date: October 23, 1996
Very touching page.
Nice poetry and music background.
Best wishes,
Visitor: TAMITSNA 24K
Reference: from my teacher
Origin: TOKYO
WebSite: I don't have
URL Info:
Date: October 23, 1996
my grand fater is same altshimer.
Visitor: CARadke
Reference: You signed my guestbook
Origin: Houston, TX
WebSite: Bandit's Methodist Hymn Finder
URL Info: Midi hymns and links to more
Date: October 20, 1996
Like many of your visitors, I also lost a loved one to AD. I will visit again, and again. Thank you for your work and for making this available.
Visitor: Boudewijn aan de Stegge
Reference: by accendently surfing
Origin: Delden the Netherlands
WebSite: aan de Stegge Family homepage
URL Info: Homepage of delden me,my kids
Date: October 20, 1996
I saw your page by surfing and it got my attention because of the fact my mom died last March this year with the same illness.
Its a great job from you to start this page and also its nice to inform the people by this medium about all facts of this sickness,
I liked it to see all your photo's and poem's.
Boudewijn aan de Stegge.
Visitor: Robert Cooper
Reference: Word of mouth
Origin: Washington
URL Info:
Date: October 18, 1996
Hi I just wanted to say hi and good job. I'm Denise Cooper's son, she told me to check it out so I did. It gave me chills and really hit home.
Visitor: Denise
Reference: From your letter
Origin: Washington
WebSite: Alzheimers: Coping with Alzheimers
URL Info: Info re: AD and how I cope
Date: October 18, 1996
I have just finished reading your pages and I finally cried. Thank You. I have become so disassociated with what is going on in my life that I have not been able to cry and Lord knows I need it. Although my mom has not left this earth yet, I greived her death May 18th, 1995. Her mother passed away this day, at age 96, and mom could not understand it. This is when I knew that my mom was lost to me forever. I applaud you Brenda.
Visitor: Barbro Jaakonaho
Reference: from Who Where
Origin: Finland
WebSite: Barbro ja Paavo-Jaakko Jaakonaho
URL Info: itīs just a minimum of information
Date: October 17, 1996
A very interesting home page, have to visit it another time
with more time. My mother had dementia due to a cerebrovascular event.
She died almost two years ago.
Barbro Jaakonaho
Visitor: Corey Waters
Reference: e-mail from Brenda
Origin: Live in Killeen, TX (but I'm from NH)
URL Info:
Date: October 14, 1996
No comment at this time..
Visitor: Deborah M. Brown
Reference: from Carrie Nelson's "Motherloss" page
Origin: Pittsburgh Pa
WebSite: you'll be the first to know :-)
URL Info:
Date: October 13, 1996
This is a lovely site. I lost my mother very suddenly and unexpectedly just 7 weeks ago (August 26, 1996); and, my paternal grandmother -- now 90 years old -- has suffered from alzheimer's for around 10 years, now. (How ironic that my mother is gone, while my grandmother -- 32 years older -- is still with us, but doesn't know who we are.)
Visitor: Carrie Nelson
Reference: From
Origin: Cable Wisconsin (everyone knows it)
WebSite: Nelson's Home on Web
URL Info: My family and grief support
Date: October 13, 1996
Thank you for you great resources on Alzheimer's. Your Mom seems to have been a
wonderful person.
Visitor: Max Kohn
Reference: via lynx browser
Origin: Chicago, Illinois
WebSite: Kohn Memorial Page
URL Info: dedicated to my late mother and brother
Contact: OR
Date: October 10, 1996
Brenda, your web page was most informative and well
written. You must be an expert at the html language.
I hope between us, we can make a difference. My web page
is mostly geared towards grief but add to it your page and
it becomes even a larger educational tool. My page has
helped one person. I hope to increase that now.
Visitor: Chris Brown
Origin: Ohio
URL Info:
Date: October 09, 1996
Very touching story
Visitor: Nopparat Tongsak(Jeab)
Reference: just surf on in
Origin: Japan
WebSite: Nopparat's Cool Page
URL Info:
Date: October 09, 1996
Great, I like it.
Visitor: Frank
Reference: Surfing
Origin: Mid-Western Illinois
WebSite: Frank & Tylers Place
URL Info: You Have To See It For Yourself
Date: October 09, 1996
I think you have a wonderful page and a Great Tribute to your Mother. I know she is enjoying it as well. Keep up the GOOD work, there are really a lot of people in the world who do CARE!!!!
Visitor: jenny Werness
Reference: From another page
Origin: Minnesota
WebSite: ~Jenny's Home Page~
URL Info: Links, guestbook and stuff
Date: October 08, 1996
This page is great, very informative. You've done a terrific job!
Visitor: hobokin
Reference: a friend
Origin: USA
WebSite: don't have one
URL Info:
Contact: bpoland@raven-villages
Date: October 08, 1996
Thank you!! You have on of the best pages for useful information that I've found lately. You done a great job of providing the necessary with the a caring and honest concern for those involved. It's almost like one really knows you.
Visitor: Cyber grandma
Reference: I don't know
Origin: Illinois
WebSite: Cyber grandma's home Sweet home
URL Info: Family
Date: October 08, 1996
Very moving story..Enjoyed my visit here.
Cyber Grandma
Visitor: Ed Ciolkosz
Reference: e-mail from Brenda
Origin: Conn.
URL Info:
Date: October 08, 1996
A very fine job! It is most poignant and informative. I particularly liked your poetry as I write poetry also. I don't have a homepage yet, but expect to work on one soon. Hugs to you and I hope you finish grad school!
Visitor: Chip Taylor
Reference: Found your URL on alt.applachian
Origin: Tacoma., WA
URL Info:
Date: October 08, 1996
Thank you. I am still crying. Loss of a loved one is so hard. Please visit my son's memorial at Thank you again for giving us your heart.
Visitor: Ryan P.
Reference: ?
Origin: Illinois
WebSite: Ryan P. & His Page
URL Info:
Date: October 08, 1996
wow, what a great story and page... I thought your story was so very sad... life is a crazy thing is all you can say...
Visitor: Sharon Mnich
Origin: Atlanta GA USA
WebSite: Virtual Memorials
URL Info: Personalized biographies - archived -
Date: October 07, 1996
A very moving - informative site. I really enjoyed the photographs, your parents were a very stylish couple.
This page is just beautiful!
Visitor: Robert Lieser
Reference: You signed my guestbook
Origin: Luxembourg (Europe)
WebSite: Robert's Photographic World
URL Info: Photographic pages
Date: October 07, 1996
It's a moving story you tell us here.
Very informative page about that terrible disease. Thank you for signing my guestbook and your appreciating my site
Robert's Photographic World - a place to visit!
Visitor: Terena
Reference: Was looking at the nominees for awards
Origin: Columbus, Indiana
WebSite: none
URL Info: none
Date: October 07, 1996
I thought it was just terrific. I enjoyed reading the journals. I
have a friend who just went through 10 years of alzheimer's
with her mom. It was very draining on her and the entire
family. God bless you.
Visitor: Tracy Borders
Reference: found you in my guestbood
Origin: Honolulu and Orlando
WebSite: Trouble's World
URL Info: Mel Gibson, Michael Biehn, Dragons, Me..
Date: October 06, 1996
Hi Brenda, You have quite a site here and have gone
through quite a time also. My mother just turned 70 and so
far she is doing better than me! I pray it continues.
Congratulations on winning the Queen of the Web Award also!
You sure deserve it! This is a great page.
Good Luck for the Future, Tracy
Visitor: Leslie E. Smallwood
Reference: You signed my guest book
Origin: Casselberry, Florida
WebSite: Smallwood's Home Page
URL Info: Fund and pleasure
Date: October 05, 1996
I enjoyed your page very much. It was very touching and heart warming to see how you felt about your Mom. I loved your poem. There is a poem call Footprints that I believe you would really enjoy. If you would like it I will send you a copy.
All the best
Visitor: Allen Ferguson
Reference: Your Home Page
Origin: Wenatchee,WA
WebSite: Ferg's Homey Page
URL Info: Clean Family Surfing
Date: October 05, 1996
Wonderful work, more than just links.
A page with feeling.
Visitor: Laura Pape
Reference: Housernet
Origin: St. Petersburg, FL
WebSite: Don't have one
URL Info:
Date: October 05, 1996
I listened to Wind Beneath My Wings while I looked at the picture of your mother touching the flowers, and I cried. What a beautiful, heartwarming tribute to your mother. I hope that working on the page helped you to work through some of your grief at her loss. I read every poem several times, and looked at all the pictures while listening to the music. I only wish that all the pictures had loaded properly - I found myself wanting to know your mother better every time I read something new. What better tribute can a daughter give her mother! Is there anyway you can go back to school and finish your degree? What was your major?
Visitor: s johnson
Reference: did a search
Origin: iowa
WebSite: none
URL Info:
Date: October 04, 1996
I enjoyed your page. My mother was diagnosed in 1993 with expressive aphasia after our noticing speech problems starting in 1990. In 1995 at a geratric exam she had little expressive and receptive cognizant skills and needed 24 hour assisted care. That facility did not work. She entered a nursing home 1 year ago. The doctor said in 93 her condition was caused by small strokes, the aging process and oxygen to the brain. The geratric exam docs said they also doubted AD but that her condition would probably continue to deterioate. Routine was important to her. SHe was very restless and active when first there tho couldn't speak she attended activities tho left. Always stayed for church tho. Since the last small stroke, she has slowed down quite a bit. Seems to be content in her room, with the TV on and curtains open (6 mo ago she would not have allowed that). I can't tell whether this is a progression of her condition or a resgination of where she is and a giving up. Since the last little stroke she has gone back on cardizem daily and med for incontinence that seems to be working but not sure what the side effects could cause. Many say she could be in the AD family, but the docs say she doesn't quite fit the profile. I have great help from my husband and 2 adult children and only a phone call away from my brother and sister who live out of state. I still have guilt feelings..see her..not see her..always changes. If I stay away, I feel guilt and if I go it's like she doesn't care that I am there. Her speech is almost nonexistant now with a couple pat phrases. I spent 5 hours with her and got no response. She has taken all pictures down or turned them face down or put them away. They seem to 'bug' her. I don't know if there is anything I can do to help her or feel that too much has been lost. If I don't fall into the caregiver category of an AD patient, please accept my apology for this and belive that I appreciate reading your page and was able to think, someone else has been through some of what I have been thru the past 6 years. Thank you for reading. Susan
Visitor: Mickie Borraga
Reference: Link from Queen of the Web award page.
Origin: Louisville, KY
WebSite: Mickie's Groovy Home Page
URL Info: An eclectic collection of all things me!
Date: October 03, 1996
I can understand you taking care of your mother. I took care of my mother from the time I was 13 until
I turned 18. She suffered from diabetes. She also had heart problems. She developed gangrene after
having her skin grafted for a heart operation. I love your page. Thanks for letting me know I'm not the
only one out here.
Visitor: Judy
Reference: From your guest comments in my book
Origin: Georgia, USA
WebSite: Tommy and Judy's Creative Lounge
URL Info: Hopefully inspirational, romance, poetry
Date: October 02, 1996
I love your page. I certainly enjoyed reading all about your
mother and your family! I have been touched by Alzheimer's
Disease, as well, and I know it can be a very difficult thing.
My best to you and to all those victims of this disease.
Visitor: Lori
Reference: you signed my guestbook
Origin: Midwest
WebSite: Lori's Angel Page
URL Info: Angels, music, graphics, links, xmas
Date: October 02, 1996
Brenda, Thanks for coming by and visiting with my Angels! I
am sorry about your Mom. I am sure she was your angel and is
still watching over you. I pray for your success in helping
others who are in some way related to this disease, and help
ing them cope. I know a few people with it and know even more
whose have family members afflicted or with dementia of some
sort. God be with you and come by often for inspiration and
a refreshing.
Visitor: Matthew Kayan
Reference: Housernet
Origin: University of Hartford, CT
WebSite: HTML for fame and fortune
URL Info: window on my life - tweak HTML as hobby
Date: October 02, 1996
My grandmother has Alzheimer's - she's been diagnosed for
about two years and has been in a nursing home for a little
over one. I've seen my mother deal with a lot of things, from
just not taking offense at my grandmother not knowing who she
is to her sister denying the whole situation angrily.
I don't know how I'd be able to handle the situation as
a child of an Alzheimer's victim - it is hard enough to
handle as a grandchild -- but it is so wonderful that you've
shared your thoughts and feelings on the matter - people need
to know more about this.
Lastly, was reading through your online journal - being
able to sympathize with what is there, it stung emotionally
to read your entries. My gut reaction was to offer a hug of
support. Very powerful, personal writing.
Visitor: Kathy Azzari
Reference: Through my guestbook
Origin: Apple Valley, California
WebSite: Ken and Kathy's Abode
URL Info: Family site featuring art & literature
Date: October 02, 1996
Brenda, what a wonderful page. I found the whole experience with your
mother's story, your poetry, and the music very touching. I am
sure others in a similar situation will find your page both informative
and comforting. My parents dealt with my grandmother's Alzheimer's several
years ago and I remember how hard to decision to put her in a home was.
Taking care of an Alzheimer's patient is both physically and emotionally
draining and I think you did the right thing--no one can do it alone.
You are to be commended for the sacrifice and effort you made for your
mother at the end. I started to read your journal and will come back to
read it some more. BTW, thanks for the nice comments you left in my guestbook.
Visitor: Luca Bascetta
Reference: From a friend of mine
Origin: Milan, Italy
WebSite: Alzheimer Italia
URL Info: Federation of Italian Alzheimer Assoc.
Date: October 02, 1996
I'm the Webmaster of Alzheimer Italia and I'm happy to contact all people who make this job in concerning with AD
Visitor: Jan Yarnot
Reference: Another guestbook
Origin: Sacramento, CA
WebSite: Fossil Freak's Home Page
URL Info: books & stuff
Date: October 02, 1996
My mother was lucky that the only things wrong with her were with
her body. She was still mentally fit when she died. Caretaking
is not something I was raised to expect. My father-in-law
did have Alzheimer's, and my mother-in-law had a very hard
time with him. This is a wonderful page and you must have
cried buckets making it, but thank you.
Visitor: Dewald Pretorius
Reference: Word of mouth
Origin: South Africa
WebSite: Dewald Pretorius
URL Info:
Date: October 02, 1996
It's a wonderful and moving story you tell on your pages.
Thanks for sharing it with us. Thanks also for signing my
guestbook. Take care.
Visitor: Scott Thomason
Reference: Friend
Origin: Dallas, Tx
WebSite: N/A
URL Info:
Date: October 01, 1996
I deal with this in my own family and it touches me to read throught your own live history. I will take more time once I am at home to read through all of your page. This is truley a great piece of work you have done. I really enjoyed having my friend share this with me.
Visitor: Courtney
Reference: Link from Netscape
Origin: Dallas, TX
URL Info:
Date: September 30, 1996
I enjoyed reading your page. It takes quite a person to do what you did for your mother, and I commend you!
Visitor: Jim Gilliam
Reference: hiwaay
Origin: Decatur,AL
WebSite: n/a
URL Info: n/a
Date: September 30, 1996
My grandmother is in a nursing home in TN. She has alzheimer's
and doesn't recognize any of us any more. I appreciate you
suppling the information contained in this page. Thanks, Jim
Visitor: Gary Bonney
Reference: Guestbook
Origin: Johannesburg
WebSite: The Bonney's
URL Info: South African interest
Date: September 29, 1996
Visitor: Kent Newsome
Reference: Housernet
Origin: Texas
WebSite: Rancho DeNada
URL Info: Music and Texas fun
Date: September 29, 1996
What an incredibly touching page! I am so glad I found it.
Visitor: Tim Vance
Reference: Don't Remember
Origin: Bloomington IN
URL Info:
Date: September 28, 1996
Very Emotionally moving Web-page
Visitor: Charles Gleason
Origin: Mohave Valley, Az.
URL Info:
Date: September 28, 1996
Thank you. Your poams helped me greatly. My dad has Alzheimer's disease.
Thank you once again.
Charles Gleason
Visitor: Jim Hilton
Reference: I found you in MY guestbook
Origin: Louisiana
WebSite: Jim Hilton's Home Page
URL Info: Personal and professional information
Date: September 28, 1996
You have a very, very interesting and informative website. This disease is something most people have heard of, but probably few know very much about it. I'm afraid I was one of those few. Keep up the good work.
Visitor: Calla
Reference: a guestbook!
Origin: Heltonville, Indiana
WebSite: Calla's Place
URL Info: garden tips, homepage help
Date: September 27, 1996
what a wonderful and touching story. It brought back some
wonderful memories for me. *smiling thru the tears*
Visitor: George Garland
Reference: I'm not sure!
Origin: Florida
WebSite: George & Raye's Home Page
URL Info: It's family oriented.
Date: September 27, 1996
I'm sorry about your mother. Your page is very good, I really enjoyed the photo album; I love pictures! I'm going to make a banner to link to your page from my page, I think a lot of people would find it very useful. Take care.
Visitor: Thomas
Reference: Housernet
Origin: Germany
WebSite: The wallpaper paradise
URL Info:
Date: September 27, 1996
This is really a outstanding home page Brenda! Very well designed page, excellent links, great graphic and filled with interesting stuff... I keep coming back to see whats new!! Thanks for the work you put into your very useful site...
Take care, Thomas
Visitor: Mike Diaz
Reference: housenet
Origin: Florida
WebSite: Diaz Family
URL Info: under construction
Date: September 26, 1996
very impressed with you collection of resources and information on Altzheimer's disease. Thank you for sharing with others.
Visitor: Tom Holley
Reference: housernet
Origin: Palm Coast Fl.
URL Info:
Date: September 26, 1996
I know what you went through had a mom with same decease. Tragic to see someone you love in that condition. Especially when you know how vibrant they were.
Visitor: Melissa Ballard
Reference: Searched on Alzheimer's
Origin: Maryland
URL Info:
Date: September 25, 1996
My grandmother on my fathers died of Alzheimer's disease, and now my grandmother (on my mothers side) has the disease. I am trying to get facts down, so I try to get my mother to see that my Grandmother needs 24 hour care, and what is wrong. I am also looking for the different stages of the disease.
Visitor: Karen Sue Parks
Reference: Netscape
Origin: Tallahassee, Florida
URL Info:
Date: September 25, 1996
Brenda, did you turn the music down? It doesn't seem to be
nearly as loud as the first time. Also a couple of the
pictures in the Photo Album still don't load exactly right.
I think they were only in the Album. It still looks pretty
good to me.
Karen Sue
Visitor: Rob Armstrong Jr.
Reference: Housernet
Origin: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
WebSite: Rob Armstrong Jr.'s Homepage
URL Info: My homepage located in Winnipeg Manitoba
Date: September 24, 1996
Great page! Congradulations on the page of the week for Housernet.
Visitor: Mike Austerman
Reference: someone else's guestbook
Origin: Troy, Michigan
WebSite: Mike Austerman's Web Zone
URL Info: Michigan Link Headquarters
Date: September 24, 1996
Your site is ** by far ** the best personal site I've come across while surfing. You must have a lot of courage to have gone through what you have and then publish it for the world to see. Your page captures the true spirit of the internet - people providing information to help others! Thanks for all your hard work- GREAT JOB!
Visitor: Peter Schulte
Reference: Just surfing around...
Origin: Stockholm, Sweden
WebSite: Peter's Home Page
URL Info: Personal
Date: September 24, 1996
Hi Brenda! You have a very informative and well designed page here. I'm going to bookmark it and come back later. Take care, Peter.
Visitor: Frank Doherty
Reference: birthday web page
Origin: Boston,MA. USA
WebSite: NA
URL Info: NA
Date: September 24, 1996
Outstanding home page Brenda. I made it a bookmark....great info on Alzheimer's/////thanks//// keep the faith and have a happy birthday....thanks for sharing your story with us>>>>Frank
Pergatory Guestbook Systems
Copyright 1996 Pergatory/WebDesign Systems Inc.