sherry oursien
From where? How page found? alberta canada...just surfed in

I have a father who has been diagnosed with alzheimers. I think your page is very touching and I appreciate all of the information you have.Keep up the nice work and take care.


Just browsing today 3-3-98; I too am looking after my mom with alzheimers for last 13 months,sometimes I need someone to confide in. I need alot of support that I can`t seem to be getting from my sisters!

From where? How page found? Gallatin, Tennessee browsing about Alzheimer's Disease

I have really enjoyed your journal. My father has alzheimer's. I have been reading your journal and telling my mother what to be looking for and what she can do for him. This is something I would never wish on my worst enemy. I can't stand seeing my father this way. My poor mother has just about taken all she can. I'm scared she's going to have a nervous breakdown.

From: Sue
From where? How page found?: Researching grief resources in another matter, happened across this site.

I have been the caregiver for my Mother for the past eighteen months. She is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's-type dementia and alternates between wild-eyed fear and screaming violence, along with increasingly bizarre behavior.I was very glad to find such a comprehensive site for dementia resources. Mom is getting more and more difficult so I find my need for additional information constantly changing along with her condition. Thanks for sharing.

From: Pat K. Fanning Huntsville, AL
From where? How page found?: Altavista visit to Community Board,

Know our heart goes out to your loss but we appreciate your reaching out to offer support and insight for those of us who are following in your steps. Thanks for a beautiful web page.

From: Lindy Klarenbeek
From where? How page found?: Australia - found your page by browsing about Alzheimer's Disease

Brenda my father who lives with us has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's so I was browsing to get all the information I could on this disease. I think the work you have put into this site is great and I think it will be of help to many people.

From: Janelle Kitlinski
From where? How page found?: York, PA Found page through newspaper article

I feel as if I know Jessi Parris and am glad I visited her sight. I send her family by best wishes and hope that one day there will be a cure for Alzheimers disease. I know how difficult that can be, as my grandfather may be in the early stages of Alzheimers as well. Thanks so much for contributing this sight to the web. I enjoyed the pictures as well as what was written.

From: Mark Desborough
From where? How page found?: the Outstanding Homepage Webring

How wonderful it is to live in a world where Angels such as yourself reside. You truly do bring a bit of Heaven to Earth. Your diligent work and sacrifices have brought this enlightening Web Site for all of us to experience. Thankyou.
Love and Light,

From: Abby
From where? How page found?: You signed my guestbook :)

Your page was a touching one. I haven't lost anyone to Alz. yet, but I very well may. I appreciate you sharing this with me. May God walk with you

From: Aimee Brittain
From where? How page found?: the site fights atlanta, GA

I know how it feels I lost my mom to HIV . She got it from a dentist. I voted for your page and will continue to do so . I hope you will vote for me also.

From: James R. Holloway, Jr.
From where? How page found?: Yahoo, diseases, Alzheimer's

My Father was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 1993. Mom was his caregiver until Sep 1 when she painfully had to place in a nursing home. That was also their 41st wedding anniversary. He is on a plateau, but has been there a while. I was the last person my father recognized, and that was last Thanksgiving. I respect and admire anyone who is or was a caregiver of an Alzheimer's patient. Your mother is in a much better place now as she walks with God. Thank you for your homepage and God Bless.

From: Michael Curtis
From where? How page found?: Netcrawler

great site

From: Connie Ford

Nice job!

From: ice
From where? How page found?: Somewhere out there

Hi! Amd tanx for stopping by my site!
p center a href=" target=new img src="" width="400" height="40" border=0 /a /center /p
Good Luck in the Site Fights to you too!!!

From: Lisa
From where? How page found?: human minds webring

Brenda, I wish you the best of luck and my sincerest sympathy for all that you and your family have experienced. We all try the best we can to deal with situations, no matter how unpleasant and emotionally difficult they are, and it is a proof of your strength that you were able to reflect on your experiences and do something constructive with your knowledge about the disease. All the best.

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