art of being a lady

Name: victorian lady - circa - early 1900's .While it's true that most women who headed west were forced to leave their crinolines and "finer" apparel behind, they were, however, from the east and as everyone knows, ladies were LADIES no matter where they were.

Granted, while most pioneer women now found their lives to be filled with solitude, hard work and endless chores, no matter WHAT the circumstance, they still tried their best to retain the manners, etiquette and training they were taught in early childhood.

Now mind you though, back in the 1850's, 'beauty' did not come naturally - it was HARD WORK, and dare I add, hilarious as well? 

But it was also a fascinating time - an 'era' when "romance" was 'discreet' and 'flirting' was an art form. How did one express "interest" back then, you ask?  Why with one's fan - parasol or gloves, of course.

Now, while I cannot guarantee we will become the 'proper ladies' Columbus may have had back then, I can, however, offer you a glimpse of what this generation was like. We truly do have a history to be proud of ladies....a legacy of strong courageous women who taught us the "art" of being a lady!