by Carol Haynali
I look into your face
your eyes stare into space
I try to search deep into your soul
to find the man I once knew
But he is not there.
The emptiness goes beyond compare
Where are you..? I ask.
Where have you gone..?
Speak to me.......
I love you still
I want you back
I need you here
but the empty face is still there.
3/17/99 Carolyn Haynali
Copyright © 1999 Carolyn Haynali
Used with permission of the author.
Carolyn's husband, Chuck, has Alzheimer's. She
was his caregiver at home until he was placed in
a facility recently. Carolyn is the founder of
Caregiver's Army
Her personal home page at
features her poetry, journal, and witnesses of the
faith that keeps her going.