by Doug Thompson
Still, still, see the love in her eyes, still!
Five, five long years she has been ill.
Thrill, thrill those flashing eyes still thrill.
Sparkle, they sparkle from the soul below.
Smile, they smile and my heart does glow.
Still, still, see the love in her eyes, still!
Long, long has her voice been still, too long.
Dreaded silence, her sweet voice now has no song.
Long, its been too long to hear her read to me again.
Psalms she'd read, together we'd voice our Amen!
Holy Spirit help her to know she's still in God's will.
Still, still, see the love in her eyes, still!
Walk, walk, we now walk in the dark of this ill.
Night comes on and the dark shadows are a chill.
Last, last light of day can't hide sweet eyes that shine.
Heart, her heart has long been locked with mine.
Ill, she's ill but her soft kiss warms my heart still.
Still, still, see the love in her eyes, still!
Hope, hope, once her eyes held life's noble hope.
Dread invaded the chambers of her mind's scope.
Change, no change in the deep reaches of her heart.
Time, time, as time wings on, our hearts won't part.
Trial, trial spin your web you'll not break her will.
Still, still, see the love in her eyes, still!
Copyright © 1999 Doug Thompson
Used with permission of the author.
Doug's wife, Ann, has Alzheimer's.
You can read more of his poems and
other writings in his Reaching Out
at Marsha's Alzheimer's Outreach.
Alzheimer's has not changed Doug & Ann's
strong faith in God and their love for
each other.
Email Doug at: