
This page is in memory or in honor of some special people I've known who had diseases other than Alzheimer's. These links might also be helpful to Alzheimer's caregivers if their patient has one of these diseases in addition to Alzheimer's. Some are also diseases that caregivers themselves may be having to deal with, especially those near the bottom of the page which strike mainly women ages 25-55.


In Memory of My Father
Ulysses S. Parris
1901 - 1985

My father died of cancer. These links are here in memory of him.

American Cancer Society
Canadian Cancer Society
International Cancer Alliance
Cancer Research Institute
Newsgroup: alt.support.cancer
Newsgroup: sci.med.diseases.cancer
Nightsong Press


In Honor of My Brother

My brother William has diabetes. These links are in honor of him.

American Diabetes Association
Canadian Diabetes Association
Newsgroup: alt.support.diabetes

In Honor of Karen


My friend Karen has osteoarthritis. She is a working on her Ph.D. at Florida State and works full-time in the library. After waiting a long time, she was finally able to have knee-replacement surgery in April 1998. It worked well for one knee, but she had surgery again on the other knee Feb. 15, 1999 Surgery could not be completed, because the infection in that knee was so bad. She had surgery again in April 1999 and seems to be recovering well now.

Arthritis Foundation
Arthritis Today
Arthritis Foundation Victoria Australia
MARRTC-Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitatation Research & Training Center
Newsgroup: alt.support.arthritis
Newsgroup: misc.health.arthritis

United Scleroderma Foundation Logo
In honor of...


For a very special group of people I've met on the Internet who are fighting this disease-- scleroderma, and in memory of Kate Nance, who started I Have Scleroderma, the first website for for scleroderma patients. Kate passed away January 31, 1999.

Sherry's Surviving Scleroderma
I Have Scleroderma
Scleroderma Research Foundation
Michigan Scleroderma Foundation
Newsgroup: alt.support.scleroderma

Lupus Awareness
In honor of...


For those I've met on the Internet who have lupus.

Sherry Messick's Living with Lupus
Lupus Foundation of America
Lupus Healthnet
Lupus Home Page
Lupus Canada Homepage
Brevard County, Florida Lupus Chapter
North Texas Chapter Lupus Foundation
CNN Article about Lupus Gene
Newsgroup: alt.support.lupus


For those I've met on the Internet who, like me, have fibromyalgia.

Sherry Messick's Fighting with Fibromyalgia
Sheri Graber Rector's Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Resources Site
Fibromyalgia Resource Page
Fibromyalgia Links on the Internet

Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease

For those who have Undifferentiated or Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, which I was diagnosed as having for a couple of years.

Mick's UCTD & Autoimmune Page
Vance's Mixed Connective Tissue Disease Page

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This page began about January 1997.
Copyright © 1997-2004 Brenda S. Parris

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